Thursday 18 July 2013

Belian's day out

Walked through our garden today when I suddenly heard a strange noise. I thought it was bumblebee, but it sounded more like someone was humming a song. 

The humming stopped and someone very close by said 'Good morning to you!'

Hanging upside down on a branch, Belian waved at me. 
'What are you doing down there, be careful! You could fall down!' I yelled at him.

He giggled and tried to pull himself up to sit on the branch. After a few clumsy minutes he managed to sit down on the branch and smile at me.

'Sorry' he said, trying to hide his smirk and continued to climb higher. I sighed and walked away.

A few moments later I heard a branch snap, a thud in the soil and Belian yelling 'Ouch!', followed by hysterical laughter and 'I'm OK!'


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